Study book Beatus of Liebana codex of the Seo de Urgel, s. X


Study book that accompanies the facsimile of the publisher Testimonio, Beato de Liébana codex of the Seo de Urgel, from the 10th century, published in 2002, Beatus de Liébana codex Urgellensis.

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ISBN: 9788495767172 Category:
Reference: 446TES Tags: Brand:


Study book that accompanies the facsimile of the Testimonio publishing house, Beatus de Liébana codex of the Seo de Urgeln, from the 10th century, published in 2002, Beatus de Liébana codex Urgellensis. Texts in Spanish. There is also a German version.

Book bound in padded and illustrated hard cover, format 24 x 32 cm. 312 pages with texts in Spanish by Prof. Dr. Peter K. Klein.

This article refers only to the complementary study book that accompanies the facsimile edition, it does NOT include the facsimile that can also be purchased on this website.

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