File X. Agenda 1997


Agenda 1997 The X Files, famous cult television series. Published in 1996 in Spanish version by Plaza & Janés.

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ISBN: 9788401010613 Category:
Reference: 882LIB Brand:


Agenda 1997 The X Files, famous cult television series. Published in 1996 in Spanish version by Plaza & Janés. Translation of the texts from English to Spanish by Eduardo G. Murillo. In perfect condition, new, unused, without marks or annotations.

Bound in cardboard lined and laminated in different shades of black, landscape format 20.8 x 18.5 cm. 144 pages.

4 days of the week on an even page and 3 days plus a brief text about the series on an odd page. Full page illustrations and information on different aspects of the series or on specific chapters.

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