Beatus of Facundo: Beatus of Liebana codex of Fernando I and Sancha, (Economic Edition – AdC)


The Beatus of Liebana, codex of Ferdinand I and Doña Sancha, also called Facundo Beatus by the name of its author, it is preserved in the National Library of Spain

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The Beatus of Fernando I and Sancha, also called Beatus of Facundo (Facundus scripsit) by the name of its author, is preserved in the BNE with the signature Beato de Liebana, In Apocalipsin, Codice de Fernando I and Sancha, Ms. glass 14-2. This manuscript was written around the middle of the 11th century, according to the text on folio 316: Era bis quadragies et V post millesima; that is, in 1047. The artist was careful to number the notebooks on the back of the last folio. Thus, we see the number I in Roman on folios 25v, II on 33v, and so on, since the notebooks are perfectly regular with 4 diptychs or eight sheets. This means that two ternions (12 folios) containing the Preliminaries were added in front, at another time and by another hand, although very close in time.

This Beatus of the National Library stands out for its color that is not seen in any other, and for the perfection of the compositions that, according to Williams, make it “the most elegant of the Beatus”.

Two very expensive facsimile editions have been made of this codex: the first, made in 1994 by the Moleiro publishing house, now out of print, and the second, made in 2007 by the Versol publishing house (we can provide you with copies of both).

The facsimile offered here is the one made by Amigos del Codice based on the files downloaded from the Hispanic Digital Library of the National Library of Spain, and is based on the original preserved in said public institution, it is bound in leather with a gold title and He does not detract from his older brothers. It is a unique opportunity to get this work at an exceptional price. It does NOT have a study book, it is only a facsimile, the translation of Beatus’s work from Latin to Spanish can be downloaded from the internet or we can provide it to you, if you wish.

Bound by hand in leather with a gold title on the spine, wide nerves, handmade hemp headbands. Format 25 x 33 cm. 640 pages that fully reproduce the original manuscript, in full color, without gold.

New copy, brand new.

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