
Cantigas of St. Maria of Alfonso X the Wise, rich codex of El Escorial, s. XIII

Original price was: 5.000,00€.Current price is: 3.000,00€.

Monumental edition of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X the Wise, with facsimile reproduction of the “rich” codex of the Library of El Escorial. A masterpiece of medieval European poetry. The most beautifully illustrated manuscript of the entire Spanish Middle Ages. The most complete and original songs of old folk music of the West.

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Reference: 014EDI Tags:


Monumental edition of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X the Wise, with facsimile reproduction of the “rich” TI1 codex of the Library of El Escorial (Madrid), first half of the great work of Alfonso X the Wise, began around 1255. A capital of European medieval lyrical work. The most beautifully illustrated manuscript of the entire Spanish Middle Ages. The most complete and original songs of old folk music of the West.

The first facsimile edition of the most significant work of Spanish art of the Middle Ages. With all the color and fine design of its 1,264 miniatures. Edition of the Edilán publishing house of 1979, numbered and limited, out of print for a long time.

The edition, sponsored by HM King Don Juan Carlos I, is limited to 2,000 numbered copies and consists of two volumes, format 35 x 50 cm, bound in fur-lined table, depending on the style created by the Flemish artist Peter Bosch in escurialense sixteenth century to the library. The first comprises the full facsimile, printed to 8 colors, including gold, from the Codex T.I.1 of the Royal Library of the Escorial, to your exact size. Are 512 pages of parchment paper, specially made for this edition, with text and music of 192 and 1,264 miniatures cantigas Gothic art grouped in 212 of these pages.

The second volume includes the history of the manuscript and codicological study by Matilde Lopez Serrano; philological and literary study of the songs, transcription of the text and its translation to the current Spanish, all work of Professor J. Filgueira Valverde; an analysis of art and documentary value of the miniatures of the codex, by Professor J. Guerrero Lovillo; and musicological analysis of the Cantigas of King Sabio, based on the classic work of Mosen Higinio Anglés, by Father José María Llorens.

Total weight of both volumes of 16.2 kg. Only copy available at this exceptional price, in perfect condition. The 2 LP records are included.

A window into the Spanish life over 700 years ago. The exquisite miniatures 1,264 TI1 Escorial codex in praise of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of King Alfonso X the Wise, painted circa 1280, apart from its undisputed artistic value, have an archaeological and documentary of the first order. By parading them throughout the human typology of the XIII century Spain-Jews, Moors and Christians, clergy and laity, princes and commoners, warriors and artisans, ladies, youths, the elderly, newborns …- together with their domestic environment and social-furniture, clothing, headgear, utensils, musical instruments, weapons, ornaments, transportation, urban complexes, interiors, shops, parties, duels, battlegrounds, forts, churches, altars, games-, in a series of prints alive and expressive, full of movement and color, which could well be compared to a film documentary of Spanish life in the thirteenth century.

Most of the songs tell Marian miracles of varied themes and atmosphere. This variety is transmitted on thumbnails to turn them into a beautiful frieze illustrating that mosaic of races, cultures and beliefs that Spain was over 700 years ago.

The complete works of the Cantigas of Alfonso X the Wise consists of two codices: the codex of the Dump and the codex of Florence, also available.

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This code has been made a few years ago a new facsimile edition spectacular, much more expensive and with the latest techniques, by publishing Testimonio also available on our website.