Platero y Yo, Juan Ramón Jiménez, illustrated by Carlos Sáenz de Tejada, 1957


Extraordinary and beautiful complete edition of the brilliant work of Spanish literature “Platero y Yo (Elegía Andaluza)”, by Juan Ramón Jiménez, Nobel Prize

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Extraordinary and beautiful complete edition of the brilliant work of Spanish literature “Platero y Yo (Elegía Andaluza)”, by Juan Ramón Jiménez, Nobel Prize for Literature 1956, profusely illustrated with full-page drawings and a multitude of cartoons by Carlos Sáenz de Tejada , and in which fate wanted it to be his last production. Edition printed in Vitoria by Ediciones de Arte Fournier in 1957. Texts in Spanish.

Of this edition, 2,350 copies were made, of which 150 were on special laid Guarro paper, Zenobia watermark, signed by the author and numbered from 1 to 150; 200 copies on the same paper numbered from 151 to 350; and 2,000 unnumbered copies on special top-quality paper (this is the one to which this copy corresponds).

Bound in imitation leather with golden border stamped on both sides and curdled spine. Format 24 x 29.50 cm. 232 pages profusely and beautifully illustrated.

Book with more than 65 years in perfect condition, new, unused.

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