Tudela Codex or Codex Museum of America, s. XVI


Tudela Codex or Codex Museum of America, is a document made in the mid-sixteenth century in central Mexico during the early colonial period, on European laid paper, original of which is preserved today in the Museum of America.

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Tudela Codex or Codex Museum of America, is a document made in the mid-sixteenth century in central Mexico during the early colonial period, on European laid paper, original of which is preserved today in the Museum of America.

In this beautiful book are joined three documents that are called Indigenous Book, Caucasian Pintado Book and Book Written European bind. The first occupies the pages 11-125 and was painted by indigenous scribes around 1540 with a prehispanic style, containing iconographic information and hieroglyphic writing on the Mexica or Aztec religion: types calendar, rituals on disease and death, gods of the drunkards, etc.

The European Pintado Book, joined the Codex Tudela from 1554 by including a booklet at the beginning of the document, pages 1 to 10 (only four remain), where an artist of Renaissance style reflected the portrait of various indigenous groups male-female couples.

The European Written Book, was written between 1553 and 1554 by collecting the explanations of an anonymous commentator glosador-western on the content of the paintings. Thus, the Codex Tudela has great importance as a source of first hand knowledge of the Aztec religion, but also its value increases for having given birth, through the copy of your Indian Book, another set of nine documents , reproductions of each other, called the Magliabechiano Group.

In additional to the facsimile edition study volume, the Codex Tudela as a material object described, studied ethnographic and religious content, and show its relationship to the Magliabechiano Group to check the degenerations that occur in copying paintings of a codex to another, always starting from the initially collected in the Codex Tudela.

Extraordinary and interesting facsimile edition made in Madrid in 2002, limited and numbered, hand bound with handwritten cover made on natural parchment identical to the original, leather closures. Format 16.5 x 21.8 cm. 258 pages.

2002 study book by Juan José Batalla Rosado, Professor of American History at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Binding in hardcover quilted and illustrated fabric, format 17.5 x 24.5 cm. 476 pages, texts in Spanish.

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