Astronomical texts, s. XI-XII


It is a compendium of astronomy and astrology, compiled and illustrated in France or Flanders by an author well versed in these sciences, as they were understood at the time.

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ISBN: 9788493511432 Category:
Reference: 681MIL Tags:


The knowledge of the firmament, the identification of celestial bodies and their supposed influence on the life of individuals have been an object of study since time immemorial.

These knowledges have their roots in the oriental culture and then reach a greater degree of scientific rigor in the Greco-Latin environment.

The names of some authors are known and fragments are conserved works that transmit the doctrines that have been forged throughout the centuries.

In antiquity there was a belief that heroes and famous people, at their death, were transported into the sky and converted into a constellation, so that by looking at the sky they could be recognized by looking for their figure through the position of the stars .

In the present set of astronomical texts is a series of illustrations that forms part of that program called “aratea”, which contains, besides several schematic treatises, 43 drawings representing planets, stars or constellations.

It is a compendium of astronomy and astrology, compiled and illustrated in France or Flanders by an author well versed in these sciences, as they were understood at the time. The astronomical text consists of 12 folios (24 pages), with Gothic script and 43 miniatures, showing the celestial quadrants, the signs of the zodiac, the astrological houses, the hours and days of the week and the ptolemaic names of the constellations, tables Of months with indications of astronomical and atmospheric events, etc.

Facsimile made in 2007 of the original of the eleventh and twelfth centuries currently preserved in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Ms. Lat. Oct. 44).
Facsimile bound in red leather on table bordered in dry and with golds, small format of 12,2 x 17 cm. 24 pages in special paper on aged parchment. Lifting, folding and hand sewing.
Historical, artistic and paleographic study book, made by the historian Jurgen Hamel, bound in hardcover with illustrated cover. Format 23.5 x 28 cm. 104 pages.
Notarial deed of the edition numbered and limited in total to 1,072 venal specimens, 27 of them with alphabetical numbering (to which this copy belongs).
Both, facsimile and study book, presented in an elegant box-case covered in fine black velvet, format 24.2 x 29 x 6.5 cm.

Exemplary in perfect condition and complete.

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