Funeral procession in Brussels in honor of Charles V. 16th century


Facsimile edition made in 2023 by Incipit Manuscript of the original preserved in the National Library of Spain, number Invent/80691, Funeral procession in Brussels in honor of Charles V.

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Facsimile edition made in 2023 by Incipit Manuscript of the original preserved in the National Library of Spain, number Invent/80691, Funeral procession in Brussels in honor of Charles V.

Facsimile bound in black velvet on board with shield and metal corners, format 37 x 31.5 cm. It contains 41 etching prints, distributed in 7 parts of different sizes. Presented in a case for conservation.

The facsimile edition is accompanied by the corresponding study book with texts by Ana Sanjurgo de la Fuente.

Limited edition of 400 numbered copies and authenticated with a notarial certificate.

This magnificent work, which is preserved in the National Library of Spain, was acquired by the Heritage Valuation and Increase Service, and represents in forty-one prints the procession that took place in Brussels upon the death of Emperor Charles V.

This is the French version, second edition A, of this magnificent work etched by the brothers Johan and Lucas Doetechum according to Jerome Cock and edited by Christophe Plantin in Antwerp in 1559. It is restored and with contemporary coloring done in the manner of the period by specialists from Germany, based on the copy of the first edition that is preserved in the Antwerp Museum. According to the last owner, it possibly belonged to the Duchy of Rochefoucauld.

The forty-one prints include a cover, text on a shield and an image of the burning chapel, four sheets of text with the news of the emperor’s death and the organization of the procession, a shield and two sheets of text with the placement of the different personalities, image of the coat of arms of Charles V and, then, the following thirty prints, placed in their order. The title and names of the characters of each print are included in French.

The quality of the work and the general state of conservation are good, except for some details. It is an extraordinary work, since it is not easy to find an almost complete copy of these first editions on the art market.

On September 21, 1558, Charles V expired in his retirement in Yuste. The news spread quickly throughout the Empire and preparations for the funeral honors soon began in the most important cities of Europe and Latin America. Those organized in Brussels, by the new King Felipe II, and in Valladolid, by Princess Juana of Portugal, aunt and governor of the kingdom in the absence of the king, stand out. The most sumptuous took place in Brussels on December 29 and 30 and were presided over by Philip II. The content and development of the ceremony is very well known thanks to the album of Hieronymus Cock as inventor, recorded by Lucas and Johannes van Doetecum and edited by Christopher Plantinus in 1559.

In this very long procession, the procession that left the Royal Palace of Brussels in the direction of the Cathedral of Saint Gudula is represented, presided over by King Philip II, wearing a large black cap and the Necklace of the Golden Fleece around his neck (print 30). The identified characters are in mourning, many carry banners and coats of arms. The procession, organized according to a strict protocol, was made up of the main Flemish civil and religious groups, as well as representatives of all the kingdoms over which Charles V had exercised his sovereignty.

The most prominent element of the funeral procession was the Nave of Victory (print 5), guided by the allegorical figures of the virtues, Hope, Faith and Charity, around an empty throne in memory of the deceased emperor. The ship, whose hull was decorated with representations of the emperor’s main military victories, was driven by monstrous figures of elephant seals and dragged the columns of Hercules. The signature of Ieronumvs Cock inventor is on stamp 32.

Complete copy and in perfect condition, new, unused.

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