The Tumbo A, s. XII and XIII


It is part of the so-called tumbles, calves, cartularies or diplomatic codices that arose in Christian Spain in the late eleventh century and the first third of the twelfth century and, as in the case of Tumbo A, were supplemented with new documentation born along of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

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ISBN: 9788495767677 Category:
Reference: 506TES Tags:


The original of this facsimile edition is the first and most important of those in this file. It is part of the so-called tumbles, calves, cartularies or diplomatic codices that arose in Christian Spain in the late eleventh century and the first third of the twelfth century and, as in the case of Tumbo A, were supplemented with new documentation born along of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

In these documents were loose in the cathedral and monastic archives and constituted the documentary heritage of these institutions, formed by privileges, donations, purchases, wills, legal and administrative actions that had been granted to them by kings transcribed , bishops, magnates and individuals or who were born in the same institution in its administrative exercise. It is thus with this rich heritage, the legal basis for their own rights and properties. Stumbled, which had transcribed the original documents, to replace these losses thereof; actually it observed in the case of Tumbo A, and whose original 165 documents he transcribed only some of the late twelfth century and first half of the thirteenth century are preserved. Thanks, then, to this codex documents issued by the Astur-Leonese kings and real in favor of the Church family compostelana known.

The purpose of these codices, the legal value representing this form of manuscript tradition, and the importance and value of their contents constitute one of the most important for the study of the high Middle Ages Spanish sources.

Extraordinary facsimile made in 2012 in Madrid, bound in dry leather, nerves, with two metal clasps, 8 large rivets and 2 compostela shells on both covers, format 36 x 49.5 cm.
Accompanied by supplementary study book, bound in hard cover and illustrated, format 24 x 32 cm.

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