Heraldic coat of arms picture for surname NAVAS. 1987


Exclusive painting with the heraldic coat of arms or the family name NAVAS, handmade in 1987 and signed, preserved in very good condition, like new.

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Exclusive painting with the heraldic coat of arms or the family name NAVAS, handmade in 1987 and signed, preserved in very good condition, like new.

Frame measurements:
Exterior with frame (gilded in old gold) included, 55 x 66 cm.
7.5 cm wide frame.
Inner area of ​​green velvet in the form of a 39.5 x 51 cm passe-partout.
Inner picture with glass with the heraldic coat of arms and its legend, 24 x 34.5 cm.

The legend includes a brief history of the origins of the surname NAVAS, as well as the description of the arms of its coat of arms.

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